Romans 15:13- May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.

How Solar Panels Work: A Guide to Harnessing the Sun’s Power

How Do Solar Panels Work

Alex Richards |

Solar panels work by converting sunlight into electricity. However, this process isn’t so straightforward, and understanding how solar panels work in more detail can help us harness their potential in the most effective way.  

Solar panels are becoming increasingly popular, and for good reason, as they are one of the purest and most powerful sources of renewable energy.

So, in this article, we’ll shed light on the basic principles behind solar panels and the steps in converting solar energy into electricity. 

What is Solar Energy? 

Solar energy refers to the sun’s radiation, which we notice in the form of light and warmth. Needless to say, solar energy, as the energy that heats and lights the Earth’s surface, dictates the climatic conditions in all zones. 

However, solar energy also takes many other forms with which we are not conventionally familiar. For example, the sun’s radiation is responsible for the constant renewal of wind energy, sea currents, waves, and thermal gradients in the oceans.

Moreover, as the largest source of energy on Earth, solar energy is involved in many different processes in nature. For example, through the process of photosynthesis, solar energy transforms into a plant mass, which further transforms into cellulose or some other type of carbohydrate. 

Since it is a renewable and sustainable resource, it has become the key component in green energy solutions and initiatives

What Are Solar Panels and How Do They Work

Solar panels, also called photovoltaic (PV) modules, are devices designed to absorb solar radiation and transform it into electrical energy. They are crucial in harnessing the power of solar energy and have been the resource of renewable energy for decades.

The main principle that they work on is called the photovoltaic effect, which was discovered more than one hundred years ago. Despite this, the technology's implementation and practical application were gradual, but it has become increasingly popular as a means of producing electricity in recent years. 

Today, solar panels are widely used as a sustainable electricity source in homes, businesses, and other settings. 

Depending on their purpose, solar panels come in three different forms: 

  • Monocrystalline Panels. These panels are made from a single crystal structure and are characterized by high efficiency and durability. 
  • Polycrystalline Panels. Made from multiple silicon crystals, these panels are slightly less efficient than the monocrystalline ones but are more affordable. 
  • Thin-Film Panels. Designed for unconventional uses, they are the most lightweight and flexible but also suitable for portable solar systems. 

Photovoltaic Cells

Photovoltaic, or (PV), cells are cells made of semiconductor materials, and they are the key component of all types of solar panels. They absorb light and initiate the process of converting solar energy into electric energy.  

In order to convert solar energy into electric energy, PV cells are typically composed of silicon and various conductive layers that support the flow of electrons. 

The Photovoltaic Effect

The process by which solar panels convert solar radiation into electrical energy is known as the photovoltaic effect. Thus, when photons of light strike the solar cell, they cause the silicon atoms to release their electrons from their atomic connections. Photovoltaic technology is generally based on the photovoltaic effect.

This movement of electrons causes an electric field to form inside the cell, which in turn causes a direct current to flow. This process is the key to sunlight-to-electricity conversion. After that, an inverter is used to transform the direct current into alternating current

How Solar Panels Generate Electricity: Phase-by-Phase Explanation 

Now that we have explained the basic principle behind solar panels, let’s go through the whole process of how solar panels generate electricity: 

  • Phase 1 - Absorption of sunlight by the solar cells. Solar or photovoltaic (PV) cells that cover the surface of solar panels absorb solar radiation. 
  • Phase 2 - Conversion of sunlight into direct current (DC) electricity. When the sun's rays hit the solar cells, they cause the electrons inside to move, resulting in a direct electric current. Direct electric current flows in one direction, and it usually isn’t the best option for commercial use in domestic or professional settings, which is why the next phase is crucial. 
  • Phase 3 - Conversion of direct current (DC) into alternating current (AC). Since most household appliances and commercial systems use alternating current, the DC electricity produced by the solar cells on the solar panel is sent to an inverter. The inverter converts DC into AC, making solar energy accessible and practical for everyday use. 

4 Key Components of a Solar System

To enable you to understand better how the solar system works and thus make informed choices regarding your energy sources, we’ll break down its main components.

#1. Solar Panels

Solar panels are the key elements of the solar system. As already mentioned, solar panels can be either monocrystalline, polycrystalline, or thin film, and each has its own set of pros and cons, depending on the application. 

However, regardless of their type, all solar panels are covered with photovoltaic (PV) cells on the surface, which absorb sunlight and transform it into direct current electricity. 

#2. Inverter

An inverter is a device designed to convert direct current into alternating current, which is used in the majority of home applications. More advanced models of inverters come with the option of monitoring energy output and system performance, thus ensuring optimal efficiency. 

#3. Battery Storage

You have the option to incorporate batteries into your solar system to store electricity for use in bad weather or during the night. 

Basically, these batteries are solar energy storage devices that allow your solar system to work as an independent, off-grid solar setup, allowing you to use electricity when the public electricity grid is not accessible. This is an excellent choice if you live in areas where grid interruptions are common.

#4. Mounting equipment

Mounting hardware ensures that the solar panels are positioned optimally for maximum sunlight exposure while remaining resistant to environmental factors. The efficiency of the entire solar system depends on proper solar panel installation, so quality mounting equipment is a must. 

Main Types of Solar Energy 

Solar energy can generally be categorized into three types:

  • Solar photovoltaic energy. Used for generating clean electricity for homes, businesses, and off-grid solar electricity. 
  • Passive solar energy. Refers to smart buildings designed to maximize the sun’s natural heat and light. 
  • Solar thermal energy. Mainly used for heating water or air. 

Solar thermal energy is particularly interesting due to its specific applications, which we’ll dive into now.  

Solar Hot Water Systems

Solar hot water systems use thermal collectors to collect the sun’s heat and transfer it directly to water. The water, heated by the sun, can be stored and used for various purposes, from bathing to industrial processes. 

The fact that these systems are both cost-effective and friendly to the environment makes them an excellent option for use in both residential and commercial settings. 

Concentrated Solar Power

Concentrated solar power, also known as CSP, is ideally suited for use in large-scale power plants. This particular form of solar energy is generated with the assistance of specialized mirrors or lenses that concentrate sunlight on a specific area to generate a significant amount of heat. 

After that, the heat is put to use in the production of steam, which is then used to drive a turbine that is connected to an electricity generator. This process of converting heat into steam to drive turbines and mechanically produce electricity affects solar power efficiency, but it remains the most viable option for large-scale solar power plants.

3 Important Benefits of Using Solar Energy

While there are numerous solar energy benefits, let’s focus on the three most important ones: 

#1. Cost efficiency

Solar power has the unrivaled practical benefit of being the most cost-effective energy source available. Installing solar panels may not be cheap, but the money you save in the long run will more than cover the cost. Furthermore, solar systems can generate free energy for decades, cutting down on power bills, taxes, incentives, and other comparable payments. 

#2. Sustainability

The fact that solar energy is a renewable source is its biggest and most important advantage. Unlimited sunlight will be available to us for another 5 billion years. In just one hour, the Earth receives enough sunlight to power the electricity needs of every human being on Earth for the entire year. 

#3. Achieving Energy Independence

Installation of a solar system enables complete energy independence. For people residing in regions prone to natural disasters or in remote areas where grid interruptions are frequent, this is an especially significant advantage. 

In addition, businesses can benefit greatly from local power generation. That’s because such a system can help them ensure the continuous operation of industrial processes, free from the constraints of centralized grids or imported fuels. 

How to Choose the Right Solar Panels for Your Needs

Choosing the right solar system is not a difficult process at all. You just need a few practical guidelines to consider, and making a choice will be easy. 

So, the first thing you need to do is estimate your energy needs on a yearly level. This is crucial for planning the size of the solar system. It is recommended that the solar system covers about 90% of your needs in order to avoid excess energy and grid overload.

The next step is to evaluate your roof space to determine the ideal solar panel size. When you have all the measures, you can research the panel types. The final decision on solar panel type should be based on durability and efficiency rather than cost.

So, when you carefully weigh all the factors, contact your trusted solar equipment provider, get a personalized assessment, and make the first step toward a clean, budget-friendly energy solution. 

Final Thoughts

We hope this article has covered the most important facets of how solar panels work and that it encourages you to consider opting for solar energy as a sustainable, clean, renewable energy source. 

It is important to understand that installing and using solar systems isn’t complicated and that the initial investment, however significant it may be, quickly pays off.

Plus, it feels good to live off the grid and be energy self-sufficient without being affected by any kind of grid failures and interruptions. 

How Do Solar Panels Work FAQ

#1. Do solar panels work on cloudy days?

Yes, solar panels work on cloudy days. However, their efficiency might be decreased. They are capable of producing 10% to 25% of their usual output, depending on the density of the clouds. The most recent solar panel models are specifically engineered to efficiently absorb diffuse sunlight. 

#2. How much energy can solar panels generate?

Under optimal conditions, a residential solar panel produces 250-400 watts. Nevertheless, the amount of generated energy can vary depending on panel efficiency, weather, and installation angle. 

#3. What is the lifespan of a solar panel? 

In general, the lifespan of a solar panel is 25-30 years, but they often last even longer. Their efficiency might slightly decrease over time, but they generally retain a minimum of 80% of their original output. 

#4. How is solar energy converted into electricity?

Solar energy is converted into electricity through photovoltaic cells that absorb sunlight and convert it into direct current electricity. An inverter is then used to transform direct current into alternating current, which is dominantly used for residential and commercial purposes.

#5. Can solar panels power an entire home?

Yes, solar panels can power an entire home if the solar energy system is adequately sized and regularly maintained. They can also power entire factories and all kinds of establishments as long as the solar system is properly designed to match the energy consumption, location, and other specific needs of the establishment. 

#6. How do solar panels work on a house?

Solar panels on a house absorb sunlight and convert it into electricity thanks to photovoltaic technology. This electricity can be used for all kinds of residential needs. 

#7. How do solar panels work at night?

Solar panels don’t work at night since there’s no sunlight in the night. Nevertheless, homes and establishments with battery storage systems can use stored solar energy generated during the day. 

#8. How do solar panels work in the winter?

Since solar panels work on sunlight, not temperature, they work efficiently in winter, too. At cooler temperatures, the panel's efficiency may even increase, leading to more energy being produced.  

Disclaimer: The content on Portable Sun is for informational purposes only. Electrical work can be dangerous—always consult a qualified professional. We are not liable for any injuries, damages, or losses from installation or use. Always follow local regulations and safety guidelines when handling electrical components.